What’s going on this Saturday, you ask? Why it’s the Paranormal Symposium in Waxahachie presented by the Waxahachie Chautauqua! Lots of interesting speakers on the spoOOooKy that are all FREE to listen to at this awesome event. I’ll see y’all there!
What’s going on this Saturday, you ask? Why it’s the Paranormal Symposium in Waxahachie presented by the Waxahachie Chautauqua! Lots of interesting speakers on the spoOOooKy that are all FREE to listen to at this awesome event. I’ll see y’all there!
Imma comin’ to see you, Tyler, Texas! Pagan Pride Fest ETX is held on the Downtown Square this Saturday, October 26 and I am THERE for it. Plenty of pottery, paintings, and other goodies are coming with me. See you soon!
Yoooo! I’m all set up and ready to GO here in Austin at Lone Star Zine Fest! So much talent and cool art here, and it’s for SATURDAY AND SUNDAY! Amazing ~~~ 🤩 See you there!
…of Crows Soireé! This Saturday, October 12th. I’ve got an army of lil’ faeries ready to hop in the kiln so they’ll be ready in time! For more information, visit the Texas Witches’ Ball website here~
…because I’m gonna be at Oddfest 2024 this Saturday, October 5th in Waxahachie! The kiln is chock full of new wares as I type this. For more info on Oddfest, check out their FB event page!
Oh boy more zines! I will be in Denton this weekend for Denton Zine & Art Party 2024! Sunday, September 29th from 2-6PM I will be at the Rubber Gloves Rehearsal Studios in Denton with zines, stickers, faerie eggs, and a lil’ bit of pottery. See you there!
I know I know, it’s 5 billion degrees out how can we POSSIBLY think of Autumn right now? Well I am! 🍂
For you witchy-types, I’ve already got some pagan events on the docket. More events are lined up, pending application acceptance! For now I hope to see you at:
🍁 Austin Pagan Pride
September 15th in Austin at The VORTEX
🍁 East Texas Samhain Meet and Metaphysics Expo
October 26th in Tyler at Bergfeld Park
🍁 DFW Pagan Unity
November 11th at Arlington Unitarian Universalist Church
I LOVE Austin Witchfest! This year, fret not about the rains, for we will be INSIDE the Palmer Event Center this year. I will be at booth J1, right next to the ol’ entrance. For more information and tickets, check out https://austinwitchfest.org/
Yooooooooooooo! I’ll see YOU at Staple! Independent Media Expo on Saturday and Sunday April 13-14 in Austin, Texas! Staple! is at the Mabee Ballroom at St. Edward’s University; I’ll be at table #38. For more info and tix visit https://staple-austin.org
Hooray! Nothin’ more cheery than your own city’s holiday festival and tree lighting! I will see YOU today, Saturday, December 2nd at Dickens Downtown in the heart of Plano from 4:00PM-9:00PM. I’ve loaded up all my lil’ trees and ornaments just for yooooooooou~~
#loveplano #dickensplano #pottery #shopsmall #holidays #winter