Featured: Crystals Everywhere!
Rainbow Shard Goblet$60.00
Crystal Dish$20.00
Rainbow Crystal Blast Bowl$250.00
Midnight Aura Crystal Cauldron$100.00
Dawn Aura Crystal Potion$60.00
Dawn Aura Crystal Cauldron$100.00
Crystal-Topped Potion$30.00
Newest Items!
Seeing Stars Shrooms$50.00
Lovely Shroom$50.00
Don’t Talk to Me or My Son Shrooms$50.00
Wise Woman Shroom$50.00
Triple Moon Incense Burner$6.00
Blue Moon Mug$30.00
Jeweled Air Goblet$60.00
Jeweled Fire Goblet$60.00
Hexaeye Sticker$4.00
As Above, So Below Sticker$4.00
Magic is Everywhere Sticker$4.00
Fire Potion Sticker$4.00

The Hive Oracle
An oracle deck designed and self-published by Olivia Snyder. (Hey, that’s me!)

Mushrooms, shrooms, toadstools, etc.
Seeing Stars Shrooms$50.00
Lovely Shroom$50.00
Don’t Talk to Me or My Son Shrooms$50.00
Wise Woman Shroom$50.00
Renewal Poetry Zine$2.00
Vision Poetry Zine$2.00
Mushroom Diagram Risograph Print$10.00
Green Weird Shroom Sticker$3.00

21 and Up
Items which, by purchasing, you are asserting you are 21years or older.
Magical Star Swirl Kit$100.00
Pentacle Potion$30.00
Dawn Aura Crystal Potion$60.00
Crescent Moon Potion$30.00
Shroom Chillum$30.00
Gnome Chillum$30.00
Crystal-Topped Potion$30.00
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