Artist Statement

Olivia Snyder is not afraid of color, magic, or computers. Her work strives to live at a comfortable intersection of the spiritually natural and the technologically infused: extruded shapes made from 3D printed parts and silk-screened designs created on graphic software from 1982 feel at home with leaf-impression dishes and thrown cauldron mugs with hand-pulled curls.

Utilizing her heavy background in printmaking and graphic design, Olivia ignores the advice a professor gave her years ago: “No fairies on mushrooms!” Bright colors and familiar tropes stay lodged in our minds because they bring a sense of nostalgic comfort: remember that time you had the same magical unicorn on your binder every other 7th grade girl did? Your experience doesn’t mean less or connect you with other humans in a superficial way because you reveled in something mass-produced or designed to appeal to a connoisseur of sparkles and glitter. Revel with your inner 7th grade self!

You can find Olivia spending too much time on the Internet at