Stencil Duplicator Resources

My apologies for all of the “Coming Soon!” labels. I finished the zine faster than I was able to collect a video and my 3D printing files together for public release. Concerning my 3D printed setup, I’m currently testing an addition that I did not originally address in my initial design, and I hope it will improve things.

My Video About Print Mocko

[Coming soon! I’m not the fastest video editor. 😭 Check out other videos on my YouTube channel while you wait.]

Print Mocko Zine

Purchase your own zine copy!

Print Mocko Zine


Print Gocco is a popular-yet-defunct printing system, for making small greeting card-sized prints. This zine is a how-to for making your own homemade mini-mimeography setup in a similar style.

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3D Printed Print Mocko Setup

Want your own Print Mocko setup? I gotchu!

Print Mocko Setup V1.5 – download coming soon!

Print Mocko Setup V1.5 – setup for purchase coming soon!

Relevant Links

Here’s a list of helpful information when doing or making homemade mimeograph stuff!